Monday, 7 April 2014

welcome to, my blogspot page, welcome, WELCOME, welcome, welcome, WELCOME

Hey Bebs,
How are you today?

Welcome to the life of  me (Ashleigh) and the constant shenanigans that occur to me on a daily basis. I suppose I should start off telling you all a little about myself!

It all started in 1995 when my darling mothers water broke (have I gone back to far?) probably. Time to get serious.

During the start of 2013 I was stuck in a rut. Just out of highschool, no clear idea of what I wanted to do and was stuck in a mediocre job. Then, one fine day in march my friend told me about her plans to go to England for a year. "Oh! I've always wanted to go to England" I exclaimed to which she replied "well why don't you come?" so I did. A year later I packed my bags and jumped on a (very long) plane ride over here.

I suppose I'm starting my blog for multiple reasons
1. Because no one I know will listen to me complain anymore
2. Because I thought it may be fun
3. Because I want to share my opinions and creations with the world

So yeah!
If I haven't already mentioned I'm an aspiring stylist so this blog will probably predominately be photos of me posing in silly outfits  amongst other bits and bobs

stay golden,
       Ashleigh x