Tuesday, 8 April 2014

4:08am rambles

hey bebs,
how are ya today?

today was a rather eventful but at the same time non-eventful day for me. I had two job interviews today, the first one being at 12:20 pm. I woke up this morning feeling pleasantly happy, checked my phone and took a glance at the time, 11:16am. fuck. My interview was in an hour and 4 minutes, i was currently looking like a bird turd who was roughly a 30 minute journey away from where I had to be. Never have I moved so fast in my life (I was only two minutes late to the interview so some props must go to me, we're of course ignoring the fact i slept through my alarm in the first place)

Other then that my day was pretty cruisy, I attended both interviews then spent the rest of my day downing multiple baked goods from M&S's bakery section and crying over the cost of uni funds over here (£15,180 a year for international students, are you KIDDING ME?) 

All I can currently think about right now (apart from how broke I am) is how much I want another tattoo. Correction, how I want another THOUSAND tattoos. The only problemo is I'm not 100% set on what I want. 
Also if anyone knows of any good tattoo studio's around London help a brah out and let me know!

I'm Outtie,

     Ashleigh x