Tuesday, 15 April 2014

I'm in love!

with whole foods that is. Seriously, that store has it all. I spent at least half an hour wandering round looking at all their different products (whether I have a life or not is a debatable point.)  The thing that really put the cherry on the cake for me is that they delivered one of the main things I had been missing in my life since I left Australia. Yes, I was walking down the freezer isle when my eyes festered on something that made me very, very happy. COYO!
For those of you who don't know coyo is a brand that does icecream and yogurt and all that jazz but its made from coconut milk, this makes it gluten and dairy free along with alot of oher bonuses, but basically, coyo is the shit. At the time they were out of the coyo branded ice cream but there was a substitute one that I purchased just for now (not as good as coyo but it was REALLY nice)

The day just got better and better when I got back home, I was browsin' through the top itunes chart when I spotted a band called short stack on there.
Again, if you are unaware short stack were an Australian pop punk band in Australia and I was very secretly in love with them, after this revelation all productivity for the rest oft he day went out the window. My 14 year old fan girl flared up inside and I spent the rest of the day rejoicing in my happiness (sway sway baby may or may not have been on repeat)
so yeah to sum up
1. I found coyo in the UK and it still rocks my world
2. I still (secretly) love short stack
3. I have no life whatsoever
But you would have already figured that out by now

      Ashleigh x