Thursday, 17 April 2014

ashleigh hawken, aka the most useless human being in the entire world.

okay, okay I know alot of people claim to be the most useless person in the entire world but that title really really  does belong to me. Why? Take today for instance, I checked my emails on my lunch break to and discovered this little beauty from the company that takes care of my pay, it read:
Hi Ashleigh
Hope you are well
blah blah blah
we have two weeks worth of pay here for you but you actually never sent us your bank details
blah blah blah
you should probably give us your bank details so we can pay you
warm regards

The worst part about this all is that i genuinely hadn't realised that I wasn't getting paid (I was probably too busy complaining about how broke I am.) There are many other reasons why I hold the title of worlds most useless human being and there will probably be many more reasons to come, all that I will share with you in due time.

Another thing I realized today is I predominately started ashleighs-corner with the intentions of it being a fashion blog however, I am yet to post a photo that is remotely related to fashion. Well that my friends is about to change.
Allow me to share with you my outfit of the day (ootd if im being hip)

I apologize for the missing bottom half of my legs but firstly this mirrors not full length and secondly I'm the size of a hobbit (at most 5'2) so there was no way i was getting a full body shot
If you are wondering: T
he dress I am wearing is an old maternity top that I stole from my mothers wardrobe $0
The hat is from a vintage market that was once set up in westfield $20
My watch was my going away present to myself, Michael Kors €279
Windsor Smith "Dion" were on ma feet RRP: $160 killer work discount: $82
I LOVE these shoes but with the uneven london ground I've almost broken my ankle around 9347104 times now.

Congrats Ashleigh, You've made another super long blog post

Have a hoppin easter!

       Ashleigh x