Wednesday, 9 April 2014

I hate can openers

In fact, I despise them. Throughout my 19 years of life I think I have successfully opened around two cans. I'm not sure what superhuman powers you must posses to use one of these contraptions but I am 3000% done with can openers.
 (my attempt at using a can opener, all i wanted was my re-fried beans)

In other news I got a job! At least it gives me a little peace of mind, I've been super stressed about my financial status the past couple of weeks.
I learnt a new life lesson today, never attempt to sit down whilst the tube is taking off, both I and the lady whose lap I landed in learnt that the hard way (sorry for interrupting your game of solitaire with my tush)

Today I also hit a mini milestone! Its been one month since I left Australia and boy has time flown! I'm so excited to see what the next few months bring me yet slightly scared at the same time.

Only time will tell.

     Ashleigh x